How To Handle Dropdown
In this article, we will learn how to handle DropDown in Selenium.
How to Select Option from Drop-Down Box :
To select value from dropdown in selenium, we have to follow the following steps:
Step 1: Import the “Select” package.
Step 2: Create web element by using findElement() method
Step 3: Create object of Select Class and pass parameter (webelement)
Select s = new Select(webElement);
Step 4: There are three methods of Select Class
1) s.selectByIndex(int) ;
2) s.selectByValue(String)
3) s.selectByVisibleText(String);
Use any mehod from above to select option from dropdown.
The most common methods used on Selenium dropdown list are as follows:
1. selectByValue() : This method is used to select the option whose “value” attribute matches the specified parameter. It accepts parameter as the value of the “value” attribute. Example - drpCar.selectByValue("benz");
2. selectByVisibleText() : This method is used to select the option that displays the text matching the parameter. It accepts parameter as the exactly displayed text of a particular option. Example - drpCar.selectByVisibleText("Honda");
3. selectByIndex() : This method is used to select the option at the given index. It accepts parameter as the index of the option to be selected. Index starts from 0. Example - drpCar.selectByIndex(1);
public class Handle_DropDown {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.setProperty("", "C:\\Users\\Admin\\Files\\chromedriver.exe");
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
// create webelement of dropdown
WebElement dropdown = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@id=`carselect`]"));
// we have to create object of select class
Select drpCar = new Select(dropdown);
// we can select option from dropdown by using any of the following three methods
// Or
// Or