CSS Reset

CSS Reset

Now we know the browser adds some amount of default styling. That’s cool.

But the styling is not consistent across browsers.

There is a way to nullify this browser styling and then we can apply the styling from scratch to our webpages using CSS reset.

Let us learn what is CSS reset.

The CSS reset is a CSS file which is available open-source.

There are many open-source free reset style sheets available which can be downloaded through the internet. Ex: Eric Meyer’s “Reset CSS ” 2.0.

CSS reset file contains minified set of CSS rules that reset the styling of HTML elements to a consistent base. CSS reset helps in nullifying browser display differences.

Observe the styling difference added by IE browser and chrome browser.

styling difference by IE browser and chrome browser.
css reset html code
css reset output
css output with css reset
#reset_css #css_reset #css_reset_code #reset_stylesheet #reset_css_cdn #css_reset_2018 #css_reset_style #reset_css_html5_ #reset_css_file #css_reset_example #reset_css_example #resetcss

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