Directory Structure Of Red Hat

Directory structure in Red Hat :

File System Hierarchy or Directory Structure in RHEL 6.

In the linux operating system every file, directory and device is one part of a grand hierarchy.

The topmost member of this hierarchy is the root directory , and it is denoted by the symbol /(slash)

Directory structure :

directory structure of red hat
Directory Use
/ begins the file system structure called the root.
/root home dir for super user (root=Administrator)
/home home dir for normal user.
/etc holds system configuration files and others file.
/boot holds boot manager files required for booting.
/opt used for install other software. It is empty.
/dev holds devices relate information like cdrom, floppy, hard disk.
/lib holds library for programming languages.
/var/log contains the log files of most os the services.
/var/mail contains all users’s mailboxes.
/mnt mount point (it is empty)
/media mount point (it is empty)
/proc holds process relate information like CPU, ram etc..
/usr/bin normal user command.
/usr/sbin super user command.
/usr/include holds all the header files required for compiler.
/Selinux contains all security files to prevent form virus and hacking.
/sys Contains system files.
/srv Contains system files.
#Directory_structure_in_Red_Hat #Directory_structure #File_System_Hierarchy #Directory_Structure_in_RHEL #grand_hierarchy

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