Python List Function

List Functions

List data type in Python has many inbuilt functions.

Consider a list, num_list=[10,20,30,40,50]

Function Output Explanation
num_list.append(60) [10,20,30,40,50,60] Adds an element to end of list
num_list.index(10) 0 Returns the index position of the element. In case of multiple occurrence of the element, returns the index of the first occurrence. Throws ValueError, if the element is not found
num_list.insert(3,60) [10,20,30,60,40,50] Inserts an element at a given position
num_list.pop(3) 40 Removes and returns the element at given index position from the list
num_list.remove(30) [10,20,40,50] Removes the first occurring element whose value is 30
num_list.sort() [10,20,30,40,50] Sorts the list in ascending order
num_list.reverse() [50,40,30,20,10] Reverses the list


Tryout the below code in python playground and observe the output.

	print("Before update:")

	crew_details.update({"Flight Attendant":"Jane", "Co-pilot":"Henry"})

	print("\nAfter update:")
	print("Flight Attendant:",crew_details["Flight Attendant"])
#python_list_functions #List_Functions_in_Python #sort_function_in_python #append_function_python #python_sorted_function #python_sum_list #index_function_in_python #python_max_of_list

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