Python String Functions

String functions

String data type in Python has many inbuilt functions which makes it easier to work with strings.

Consider the string, name=“Raghav”.

Function Output Explanation
name.count("a") 2 Returns the count of a given set of characters. Returns 0 if not found
name.replace("a","A") RAghAv Returns a new string by replacing a set of characters with another set of characters. It does not modify the original string
name.find("a") 1 Returns the first index position of a given set of characters
name.startswith("Ra") True Checks if a string starts with a specific set of characters, returns true or false accordingly.
name.endswith("ha") False Checks if a string ends with a specific set of characters, returns true or false accordingly.
name.isdigit() False Checks if all the characters in the string are numbers, returns true or false accordingly.
name.upper() RAGHAV Converts the lowercase letters in string to uppercase
name.lower() raghav Converts the uppercase letters in string to lowercase
name.split("a") [‘R’, ‘gh’, ‘v’] Splits string according to delimiter and returns the list of substring. Space is considered as the default delimiter.


Tryout the below code in python playground and observe the output.

boarding_call="Good Evening, this is the final call to AL passengers for the flight AL 466 which is planned to take off at 8.40A.M."

	if(boarding_call.startswith("Good Evening")):
		print(boarding_call.replace("Good Evening","Good Morning"))

		print("Welcome to Air Lines.")

		print("Passengers are requested to have their breakfast.")

	a=boarding_call.split(" ")
	for i in a:
			print("Flight Number is specified to the passengers.")

	print("Total number of times flight service name is specified in the boarding call:",boarding_call.count("AL"))

	message="Thank you all..Have a nice journey!"


#python_string_functions #String_functions_in_Python #python_reverse_string #split_function_in_python #isdigit_python #python_string_operations #python_concat_string #replace_function_in_python #python_isnumeric #python_endswith

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